Monday, August 31, 2009

It's gonna be a hard 16 days....

Starting Thursday Hobie leaves on his campout in the woods, for 16 days!!! This will probably be the hardest of the time he's been gone, because we will have no contact at all... no 10 min Sunday call, no letters, nothing!!!! He found out for sure last night he can't take his cell phone!(we had heard maybe he could) I'm a little stressed, but I'm going to try to stay really busy! The silver lining... he comes home a week after he gets back from this! Can't wait for this month to be over!!!! Thanks to everyone for all their love and support, and all the help we've gotten!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Win a free photo shoot!

Check out Angie's photography she is giving away a free photo shoot! Cute Cute Pics! Hope I win I want cute Family Pics when Hobie gets back from all his military training! We've really missed him!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My visit in San Antonio

I've tried to write about my trip several times, but couldn't decide which things to share, so I finally decided to put a little of ecerything in. I arrived Friday around noon, and I got my first cab all by myself! Then I went to the hotel and checked in all by myself again! After i got all settled I went into the mall which was connected to my hotel, and got some lunch and then I waited for Hobie, and of coarse the army held them over 1 1/2 late. Then they took away the late passes for the weekend, (which is stupid cause you only get passes when you have family in town, so it really only punishes a few guys with family in town.) So Friday we got about 1 1/2 hours together, it was so nice though! I miss him so much!
Saturday he came early and we spent the day together, we went to the mall, we walked around a little out by the riverwalk, we watched movies, it was great to just be by him and hold his hand as we walked around together.
Sunday he came early again, and we watched movies, we went over to the base, and I bought some groceries! We walked around and he showed me some of the places he goes, then he had to go check in, and I met some of his friends.
Monday he got out of school at noon and was supposed to be done, my flight didn't leave til almost 7 so we thought we'd have lots of time together! At about 3 he had me come over to the base, cause they were still standing outside waiting to be released! I came and sat until a little after 5 and finally he was able to go with me to the airport. He and his friends kept running over real quick to check on me while I was waiting, it was so nice. I miss him so much! All in all it was so nice to get to spend time with him, mothing else really mattered!