We missed our flight out of Phoenix by about 3 min. and it of coarse was the last flight, so we ran across the airport to catch a flight to Vegas, where we sat for about 5 hours until our flight to Birmingham left! Joey enjoyed a little Madagascar while we waited. He was so good all day we got so many compliments from people. I entertained myself with my first Vegas slot machine I did amazingly well I might add! I started out with $2.oo and I came back with $3.00 pretty awsome! After a 3 hour plane ride, that Joey was so excited about. When we got all straped in he yells 2 rows back to my mom "Grandma Gramdma we need to pray." Then he folded his arms. Some of the passangers around us got a kick out of that. He fell asleep shortly after take off and slept most of the way. When we got off the plane we ran across the airport to the car rental cause it was 11:40 and the car rental closed at 12:00pm. Then we drove the 3 and a half hour drive to Ft. Benning. With the travel time, time change and a few wrong turns, we arrived and got all checked in, and as I put the key in the door at about 5:00 am my cell phone rang, Hobie was giving me my wake up call. But we laughed all day in Vegas, and all night on the road. "Bonding Time" as I like to call it! So I think we slept about 2 hours before we went to get Hobie.
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