After Graduation Joey was so excited to see his dad again. Of coarse I was too! We had another great day together. Although this one was a bitter sweet day, the time seemed to fly by, and there were several times through out the day that I would look up at him and he'd be all teary eyed, or he'd look at me and I'd be all teary eyed, both of us anticipating the upcoming goodbye. That was really hard! But the time together was precious. I love the way it feels to be together.
It's aaaaaa ??
In September 2013 we found out we were having another baby BOY!! Colton is
so dang happy. The kids said from the beginning it was going to be a baby
10 years ago
I am so excited to see all of this. I feel so bad for not asking you how it went! I really wanted to know so I hope I don't seem like I didn't care!I am really glad that you had a great time and that you guys got to spend time together!